Designing a Weblication
Now that you've gotten a taste of SashXB, think about designing your own weblication. Like developing for any other platform, developing for SashXB requires careful planning and attention to detail. Weblication writers should take some time to design their projects, especially if they intend to publish their weblications. Although SashXB greatly simplifies certain aspects of developing software (and may therefore encourage laziness), weblication writers are still responsible for making their code as correct and robust as possible.
Several things to consider:
- what location will your weblication run in?
- PanelApp - Use this location for something that runs in the panel.
- WindowApp - Use this location for something that runs with an HTML-based GUI
- Console - Use this location for something that runs with a Glade-generated GUI (or something that doesn't need a GUI)
- what sort of UI will your weblication have (if any)?
- what extensions will your weblication require?
- what sort of functionality will your weblication have?
Example weblications:
- SashPad
- Location: Console
- Extensions: Console, Registry, Glade, Filesystem
- A full-featured text editor.
- Checkers
- Location: WindowApp
- Extensions: WindowApp, Filesystem, Jabber
- A multiplayer, networked, cross-platform checkers game.
- Finger client
- Location: Console
- Extensions: Console, Comm
- A simple finger client.
- Webblazer
- Location: Console
- Extensions: Console, Registry, Glade, GTK
- A simple web browser that supports bookmarks, uses an embedded Mozilla.
- SashFTP
- Location: Console
- Extensions: Console, FTP, Filesystem, Registry, Glade, GTK
- A full-featured FTP client.
Example extensions:
- sashcore:
- channels - for inter-weblication communication
- ui - interact with the ui
- net - open network connections
- cursor - manipulate the cursor
- platform - find information about the system you're running on
- process - start and kill processes
- linux:
- xml: an XML document parser
- jabber: an instant messaging protocol
- filesystem: manage files and folders
- glade: use Glade GUIs
- registry: store and retrieve values
- comm: network sockets
- ftp: access remote files
- gtk: GUI toolkit
- vorbis: play ogg vorbis sound files
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Wing Yung
Last modified: Thu Apr 4 14:42:48 EST 2002