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Using the SashXB PanelApp Location

Brief description of PanelApp.

Registration information must be stored in the weblication's WDF file. Use the sash-wdf-editor to edit the WDF file (Look under the 'Actions' tab). PanelApp registration includes an HTML file and the length of the desired panel for the weblication.

For example, the PanelTest weblication contains the following registration information:


1. Sash.PanelApp

Receiver prototype
handler(long width)
Called when the panel size changes, with the new size of the panel.
handler(short orientation)
Called when the panel orientation changes, with the new orientation: 0 for UP, 1 for DOWN, 2 for LEFT, 3 for RIGHT

readonly string AboutIcon
Use these *Icon attributes to pass as the stock_name parameter of AddStockMenuItem:
Sash.PanelApp.AddStockMenuItem("About Me", Sash.PanelApp.AboutIcon, MyCallback);

readonly string NewIcon

readonly string SaveIcon

readonly string SaveAsIcon

readonly string OpenIcon

readonly string CloseIcon

readonly string QuitIcon

readonly string CutIcon

readonly string CopyIcon

readonly string PasteIcon

readonly string PropertiesIcon

readonly string PreferencesIcon

readonly string StopIcon

readonly string RefreshIcon

readonly string BackIcon

readonly string ForwardIcon

readonly string HomeIcon

string Tooltip
Sets the tooltip for the panel.
short Length
Contains the physical length of the application as it appears on the panel. It will be horizontal if the orientation is UP or DOWN, it will be vertical otherwise. Can be get or set.
sashIGtkWidget panelWidget
Access the panel with this attribute if you need to add things manually.
void AddMenuItem(string name, string function)
Add submenu items using a directory-esque string:
AddMenuItem("submenu_name/myitem", mycallback);
void AddStockMenuItem(string name, string stock_name, string function)
Add stock submenu items.
void RemoveMenuItem(string name)
Remove a submenu item by name.

Wing Yung, Stefan Atev
Last modified: Thu Mar 21 13:58:29 EST 2002

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