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Using the SashXB FTP Extension

The Sash.FTP extensions provides the most common FTP (File Transfer Protocol) functionality to weblication developers.

1. Sash.FTP

All Sash.FTP provides is a constructor for Sash.FTP.Connection and an error-handling event. All relevant functionality is in Sash.FTP.Connection.

Create a new FTP connection.

Receiver prototype
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpconn, string errorMessage)
This event is called when an error occurs. For more specific error events, refer to Sash.FTP.Connection

2. Sash.FTP.Connection

Receiver prototype
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConnection, string fileName)
Invoked when a file upload starts
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConnection, string fileName)
Invoked when a file download starts
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string fName, long amountTransferred, long secondsElapsed)
Invoked when a file upload is finished
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string fName, long amountTransferred, long secondsElapsed)
Invoked when a file download is finished
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string fName, string errorMessage)
Signals if a file upload request failed
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string fName, string errorMessage)
Signals if a file download failed
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string fName, long amountTransferred, long secondsElapsed)
Invoked periodically to give updates on the progress of a file upload/download
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string statusMessage)
Periodically provides status messages about a connection
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string errorMessage)
Signals when a non-fatal error occurs
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, string errorMessage)
Signals when a fatal error occurs
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, boolean isSuccessful)
Invoked after a login request is processed. isSuccessful holds true if everything went fine, false otherwise
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, long waitTime)
If NormalTimeout seconds have elapsed since the last time a command was sent to the FTP server, this event is triggered. The FTP connection may have been lost.
handler(sashIFTPConnection ftpConn, long waitTime)
If ConnectionTimeout seconds have elapsed since a connection to the server was initiated, this event is triggered. The server may be unreachable.

readonly boolean Connected
This read-only boolean property holds true if the connection is currently active
readonly boolean LoggedIn
This read-only property is true if there is an active user on the connection
readonly boolean TimedOut
This read-only property is true if the connection timed out while waiting for a response from the FTP server.
long NormalTimeout
The number of seconds to wait for the FTP server to send a response to a command. If no response has been received after this amount of time has elapsed, an OnTimeout callback is made.
long ConnectionTimeout
The number of seconds to wait to make a connection to the FTP server. If no connection has been made after this amount of time has elapsed, an OnConnectionTimeout callback is made.
long NotifyInterval_K
Specifies how often OnProgress events are sent in terms of (integer) Kbytes downloaded / uploaded.
long NotifyInterval_S
Specifies how often OnProgress events are sent in terms of (integer) seconds.
string CurrentDirectory
Read-only string property that holds the current directory. The empty string signifies an error while reading the current directory
boolean IsASCII
Boolean property that specifies ASCII (true) or Binary (false) file transfer mode. NOTE: This is true by default, and cannot be changed to false until the connection is made and the user is logged on.
boolean ShowDotFiles
Boolean property that specifies whether dot files should be displayed in the file listings. Most FTP servers will not show dot files by default.
boolean IsPassive
Boolean property that specifies whether file transfer operations are passive (server specifies data port) or "active" (user specified server-side data port). NOTE: This property is currently read-only and is always true as Sash.FTP supports only passive connections
boolean IsTransferring
Read-only boolean property that specifies whether a file transfer is in progress
string Id
A string ID for the connection
readonly array TransferQueue
Read-only array of filenames that are pending transfer (both upload / download). Does not include files that are currently being transferred
boolean Connect(string remoteAddress [, long remotePort])
Opens a connection to the server specified by remoteAddress. The optional parameter remotePort specifies a port for the FTP connection (default 21)
void Disconnect()
Reinitializes the connection. Appropriate for closing the socket connection when a login attempt has failed. The Logout() method also disconnects the connection as well.
void Login(string username, string password)
Logs on to the server - the connection is not ready until an OnLogin event is received. Call only once after connecting
boolean Logout()
Disconnects from the server. Returns true on success.
long Get({string, array} fileNames [, string localDirectory])
Initiates downloading of the files given in the array fileNames. If fileNames is just a string, transfers one file only. The optional parameter localDirectory specifies a target local directory for all transfers. Returns the number of files to be transferred
long Put({string, array} fileNames [, string remoteDirectory])
Initiates uploading of the files given in the array fileNames. If fileNames is just a string, transfers one file only. The optional parameter remoteDirectory specifies a target server directory for all transfers. Returns the number of files to be transferred
boolean RemoveFromQueue({string, long} file)
Removes a file from the transfer queue - does not stop transfers currently in progress. If file is an integer, it is used as an index in the queue, otherwise it should be a file name. Returns true on success
boolean Cd(string directory)
Changes the remote directory. Returns true on success
array List([string directory])
Returns the contents of a remote directory as an array of file names. If the optional argument is omitted acts on the current directory
array DetailedList([string directory ])
Same as List(), but returns strings that include file size, date etc. information
boolean Del(string fileName)
Deletes the remote file specified by fileName. Returns true on success
boolean Mkdir(string remoteDirName)
Creates a remote directory with name specified by remoteDirName. Returns true on success
boolean Rmdir(string remoteDirName)
Deletes the remote directory specified by remoteDirName. Returns true on success
boolean Rename(string oldFileName, string newFileName)
Renames (moves) the remote file oldFileName to newFileName. Returns true on success
boolean StopCurrentTransfer()
Aborts the transfer currently in progress. Returns true on success

3. Quick example

This is a quick example of how to make a connection and download a file, with no error handling whatsoever.

function OnLuck(ftpConn, isOK) {
	if (isOK) ftpConn.Get('files.X');

function WhenDone(ftpConn, fname) {
	// Delete the remote copy of the file.

var conn= new Sash.FTP.Connection();
conn.OnLogin= OnLuck;
conn.OnFileReceived= WhenDone;
conn.Login('mulder', 'scully');

Wing Yung, Stefan Atev
Last modified: Tue Jun 11 17:03:47 EDT 2002

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