I’d like to popularize my version of Connect Four that’s for people with short attention spans. The rules are just like normal Connect Four, except:
a) There are no turns. You can each play as fast as you can.
b) However, you can only use one hand to play and you can only hold one chip at a time.
That’s it. I think it’s awesome. You’re basically slotting chips in the columns as fast as you can, using your one hand, trying to block the other guy’s series and creating your own. It’s not just about speed, since the one-hand rule ensures that you have plenty of time to block your opponent’s four-in-a-row if you can see it coming. Fun for hours!
Oh, here are some crappy things about BART, other than the obvious (infrequent, doesn’t go much anywhere in the city):
1. When you’re in the train, it’s often very hard to figure out what stop you’re at. The signs are small and unlit, and the PA is virtually impossible to hear.
2. No maps on the platform. What’s with that?
3. Bathrooms are inaccessible or nonexistant.
Perhaps more to come. I generally love public transportation, but the places in which it’s done well (in order: NYC, DC, Chicago/Boston) put the BART in stark relief.
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